Education Law Solicitors

Education is seen as the passport to opportunity, personal advancement and growth. That is why it is such a critical area of law and why schools, the State and other educational stakeholders need to get the law right.

Education law is a complex area and expert advice, and help is often needed. In the most serious cases, legal rights will need to be tested before appeal boards, tribunals, school boards of management and on occasion by the courts. Building on our recent experiences, we are launching a dedicated education law team to assist parents, children and families meet those needs.

Our education law team has extensive experience in this complex field of law and can assist with all aspects of education law at any stage. Areas of legal advice and assistance include:

  • Provision of suitable and appropriate school placements
  • School admissions
  • School expulsions and suspensions
  • ASD classes
  • Disability discrimination issues in education
  • Education care plans and assessments
  • Educational funding issues
  • Higher education disputes
  • Inadequate responses to bullying, sexual violence and hate speech
  • Judicial review challenges to state body decisions
  • Policy and procedure writing for school bodies
  • Safeguarding issues
  • School attendance
  • School transport issues
  • Special needs assistants
  • Assistive technology grants
  • Irish language exemptions
  • Reasonable accommodations in exams
  • July Provision Scheme

We recognise that there is often a crossover between education law matters and the assessment of children’s needs under the Disability Act. Alongside education law our solicitors are also heavily involved in carers and disability law applications. We are well placed to ensure that educational, health and social care provision are progressed for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.

Our team also has experience in assisting with wider campaigning issues in respect of educational matters. These include campaigns around school building changes, funding issues for special educational needs provision and policy challenges and developments.

To contact us in respect of specific areas of concern, or to set up a consultation please contact Gareth Noble or Naomi Mulvany for more information.,

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