Solas Project – Supporting Children and Young People at risk of Societal Marginalisation

solas project

The KOD Lyons Coast to Coast Cycle 2021 will raise funds for Solas Project, a charity that aims to reduce the risk of societal harm faced by children and young people living in Ireland. Their vision is ‘an Ireland where all children and young people truly know their self-worth and can take full advantage of their potential’. Funds raised by the KOD Lyons Coast to Coast Cycle will go towards the running of a number of programmes provided by Solas Project such as their After Schools clubs, social enterprise projects, teen mentoring, prison programme and youth justice programme.

After Schools Clubs

The After Schools programme is the foundation of Solas Project, having been set up in 2007 after the foundation of the charity. The Clubs aim to provide safe, home-like environments for children living in challenging circumstances.

The Yard

The Yard is a social enterprise programme run by Solas Project. It aims to equip young people with the skills and knowledge that will empower them to fulfil their personal and professional potential. This is a 16-week programme available to children and young people aged from 16-23. The programme provides hands on work experience and the development of practical skills and self-confidence needed for entering the workforce.


Solas Project runs a number of programmes in school with the purpose of tackling the perceived barriers that prevent students from realising their full academic potential. This programme prepares children for the transition from primary school to secondary school. It aims to help young children develop a sense of self-worth, character, and motivation.

Step Up Teen Mentoring

This programme was established in 2011 and provides one-to-one mentoring for secondary school children. Running four times a week, the programme tackles educational disadvantage faced by young people. In addition to this, the mentoring programme provides academic and emotional support that is integral to the development of self-worth and confidence.

Compass Prison Programme

Compass Prison Programme provides a combination of pre- and post-release support services, which have played an integral role in reducing reoffending rates. Through the use of practical and meaningful activities for inmates, such as tag rugby, music production and aquaponics, this programme provides support for inmates nearing the end of their sentences. In addition to this, each young person in linked with a mentor post-lease for the support of reintegration.

Rua Youth Justice

Rua provides support for young people who have found themselves engaging in offending behaviours. Building trusting relationships is a core feature of this programme. Volunteers work both one-to-one and in small groups, providing practical support and personal development towards further education and/or employment.

Our team here at KOD Lyons are delighted to have the opportunity to support and fundraise for a charity that plays such an integral role in the protection of the rights of children and young people living in Ireland today. If you would like to donate to our fundraiser, you can do so here.

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