Regularisation Scheme – International Protection Applicants

international protection applicants

The Minister for Justice announced just before Christmas that a new Scheme would open in the January 2022 to regularise the status of undocumented migrants in the State together with a separate strand for applicants in the International Protection process. Today, the Minister has announced that applications are open for applications under the International Protection strand.

The IPO are writing to any applicants who potentially qualify for this Scheme.

To qualify for this Scheme, applicants should:

  • Applications will be accepted from people in the international protection process for a minimum of 2 years on 7 February 2022
  • Applications will be accepted for six months until 7 August 2022
  • Successful applicants will receive immigration permission, access to the labour market and can begin path to citizenship

Applicants should have resided continuously in the State during their time in the process. A short period of absence from the State (authorised by the IPO) up to a maximum of 60 days may be disregarded. Applicants must also be of good character and of good conduct and have not have an adverse criminal record in this State or any other country. All applicants over the age of 16 will be required to undergo eVetting.

All criteria must be met to qualify for the Scheme.


Applicants will be required to provide a copy of their TRC card number and to confirm the date of their application for International Protection together with details of all addresses lived at while in the process. Applicants will be expected to provide evidence of their continuous residence in the State. Acceptable documents include:

  • Documentation from the International Protection Accommodation Services of the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth Social Protection Statements;
  • Utility bills (i.e. from electricity/phone/gas/cable television/broadband provider/mobile phone bills);
  • Registration with the Residential Tenancies Board;
  • Employment Detail Summary/P60/P45/P21s; or equivalent
  • Evidence that the applicant sat the Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate exams in Ireland;
  • A letter from a school principal in Ireland, confirming attendance at a school if it was in the past five years;
  • Statements or other correspondence from bank/building society/credit union including e-Statements with activity in the country (Statements from store cards/catalogue companies are not acceptable)
  • Proof of money transfers between the applicant and a third party, carried out at a money transfer facility in the State e.g. Western union)
  • Letter from doctor/hospital in Ireland
  • Vaccination passport for children or Covid-19 vaccination card issued in Ireland.
  • Other official correspondence from an Irish state agency e.g. government departments;
  • HSE; Register of Electors/polling card; CAO; An Garda Síochána; Public / Private hospitals,
  • Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) or third level college, Secondary school /training agency,
  • NCT Reports or reminders, An Post, TV Licence, National Government Health Screening Programme(s) and/or;
  • Correspondence from an insurance company regarding an active policy (Home or Car Insurance Policy Only).

Applications should be made on an individual basis and any children not included in an application will have to make their own separate application. For a couple making an application, if one applicant meets the criteria and the other does not, then only the qualifying applicant’s application will be successful.

Ineligible Applications

Applicants must meet the 2 year requirement to submit an application.

Applicants are not eligible to make an application for this Scheme who have a live Deportation Order, or, if an Intention to Deport has been issued. Applicants in these circumstances may be eligible to make an application under the Department’s Regularisation of Long-Term Undocumented Migrants Scheme.

Successful Applications

Successful applicants will be granted a Stamp 4 permission to remain in the State for 2 years. This permission can be renewed at the end of that period, at the discretion of the Minister. This permission allows an applicant to:

  • work without an Employment Permit, and in a profession, subject to conditions of the
  • relevant professional or other bodies;
  • set-up and operate a business; and
  • access state funds and services as decided by Government departments or agencies.

All successful applicants under this scheme will be granted permission on Stamp 4 conditions to remain in the State:

  • You must not come to the adverse attention of the Gardaí (Irish police) or immigration authorities.
  • You must reside continuously in the State (with the exception of reasonable period outside the State)
  • You accept that your permission does not give any other person, related to you or not, any right or legitimate expectation to enter or remain in the State.

Successful applicants will have the option to withdraw their applications for International Protection.

Unsuccessful Applicants

Applicants who are unsuccessful will have the option to appeal a negative decision. If an applicant is also unsuccessful at appeal stage, will continue to have their applications for International Protection processed.

There is no application fee for these applications.

Should you require further information on the Scheme please email or call on 01 679 0780.

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