KOD Lyons Represents Retail Security Worker in Successful Employment Case


KOD Lyons recently represented a security company employee with 14 years of service in the context of a dispute regarding non-payment of wages and unfair dismissal.

The employee’s wages were subjected to unlawful deductions within the meaning of the Non-Payment of Wages Act when the Company refused to properly account for wages. When recourse was sought by the employee, the security firm claimed no such wages were due and summarily dismissed the employee.

Following consultation with the KOD Lyons Employment Team, complaints were lodged with the Workplace Relations Commission under the Non-Payment of Wages Act and the Unfair Dismissals Act.

The Company indicated their willingness to resolve the matter ahead of the scheduled WRC Adjudication Hearing and KOD Lyons represented the employee during the settlement negotiations.

Following negotiation, an offer of compensation to the satisfaction of the employee was forthcoming and the matter was resolved.

Employees are reminded to seek early redress to such issues as a statutory deadline of six months from the date of the cause of the complaint arising in most instances. KOD Lyons Employment Team can be contacted at info@kodlyons.ie

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