We are delighted to announce the launch of our new KOD Lyons Solicitors support pack for applicants submitting an application for Domiciliary Care Allowance (DCA), Carer’s Allowance and Carer’s Benefit and Disability Allowance.
This pack is a user-friendly guide which will hopefully assist people in navigating their way through a sometimes complex system.
Our KOD Lyons support guide is based upon our experiences of assisting people with DCA applications, reviewing carers files, helping with reviews of negative decisions, preparing appeals for clients and attending at oral hearings with the social welfare appeals office.
Our guide examines the statutory criteria and the evidence needed to prepare an application. It also offers insights and advice as to what to do at each stage of the process and also includes advice on the backdating of payments once qualified.
If you would like your own copy of our guide please contact naomi.mulvany@kodlyons.ie
If there are any issues arising that you would like to discuss with us please do not hesitate to contact us for an appointment.
We hope that this guide is of use to anybody involved in this area of social welfare law.
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Leaders in our field and winners at the Irish Law awards we have proven expertise in immigration and international law, child and family law and personal injury litigation.
Tel: +353 1 679 0780
Email: info@kodlyons.ie