Child’s Accident in School

Injury suffered: Deep laceration to thigh and psychological injuries.

Circumstances of incident: The minor was a pupil at a school for children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders. He suffered personal injury and loss on the 6th June 2013 when he was detained in a time-out seclusion room at the school. He had pulled a cord around his neck whilst present in a class- room and had to be cut free with a scissors. Thereafter he was put in a room on his own which had not been adapted for such purposes whereupon he fell and sustained a significant laceration from protruding metal. He sustained a laceration to his thigh.

The scarring was significant though it is well healed and has not resulted in any physical disability. However, the child became obsessive with the scar, rubbing it and wanting to remove it or “get it away”. Clearly this was distressing. This evidences that the incident was clearly traumatic for the minor. The scar was approximately three inches in length

Case history: The school declined to have the claim for compensation assessed by the Personal Injuries Assessment Board. Circuit Court proceedings issued on the 14th June 2016.

The School invited settlement talks in the matter at an advanced stage in the litigation process and a settlement offer was ruled and approved by the President of the Circuit Court on the 5th December 2018.

Settlement Amount: €40,000.00

Settled by: Ailbhe Hanmore

What the client said: We had the pleasure of having Ailbhe look after us during my son’s case. An extremely professional and kind company, who always had my son’s interests prioritised from day 1”

“An extremely professional and kind company, who always had my son’s interests prioritised from day 1”

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